Beach Episode: Episode 13, which also doubles as a Hot Springs Episode as there's a hot springs on the island the main characters visit.

Ax-Crazy: The Boat of Cleansing's mother turns out to be this way, when she wants to sacrifice Alka and shower her followers in her blood.Ate His Gun: The man living with his wife in the forest in episode 10 does this after he accidentally shoots her instead of Alka when she steps in front of his sights as he was attempting to kill Alka.She confirms she was the one who killed a man who Karen had some ties with, who was seen in a Flash Back in an earlier episode before being murdered by Alka. Though it's not heard what she asks, Alka has a look of shock shortly afterwards. Armor-Piercing Question: Karen asks Alka one in episode 7.Anyone Can Die: Seemingly important characters are introduced, and sometimes die within the same episode.An Offer You Can't Refuse: Palam wants to buy Morii's village for unspecified purposes.Despite this fact, when the game was finally released years later, it turned out most people weren't even aware that an anime existed. The Anime of the Game: At the time it became available for Westerners to watch, the anime happened based off of an MMO that had yet to be localized in NA but was around for a while in Korea.